Regular paper track

Submission closed November 22.

List of accepted papers

Authors are welcome to submit original contributions on the topic of intelligent data analysis. IDA’s mission is to promote ideas over performance. Thus, while each contribution should contain some theoretical or empirical evaluation, exhaustive evaluation is not required as long as a convincing and solid motivation is given.

Submissions will undergo a single blind review process (author identities are known to reviewers). The conventional reviewing process, which favours incremental advances on established work, can discourage the kinds of papers that IDA 2020 aims to publish. The reviewing process will address this issue explicitly: referees will evaluate papers on the basis of novelty, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity. Furthermore, each submission will be reviewed by one of the program chair advisors. Any paper for which a program chair advisor makes a convincing argument how it addresses the symposium’s goals will be accepted independent of the overall review score.

All accepted paper contributions will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer-Verlag. Proceedings from previous IDA symposia have appeared in the same series in the years 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003 , 2001, 1999, and in 1997.

It is required that at least one author of each accepted paper registers for the conference and presents and discusses the contribution at the conference.

Formatting instructions

Contributions, written in English, must be formatted according to the guidelines of the Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer-Verlag, which are available together with templates here:
We strongly recommend using the LNCS template for LaTeX. The page limit for any contribution, including figures, title pages, references and appendices, is 10-12 pages in LNCS format.
Submission of the camera ready version of the paper has to include the authors’ consent to publish on the above Springer LNCS website.

Authors may not submit any paper which is under review elsewhere or which has been accepted for publication in a journal or another conference; neither will they submit their papers elsewhere during the review period of IDA 2020.


Papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, via the IDA 2020 submission website (EasyChair).

Paper submission deadline: 22 November 2019
Notification of acceptance: 19 January 2020
Camera ready and consent to publish submission deadline: 17 February 2020
Latest early registration: 3 April 2020
All dates are specified as 23:59:59 SST (Standard Samoa Time / Anywhere on Earth)
Following IDA’s tradition, there will be strictly no deadline extensions.


Does IDA have a ‘double-blind’ peer reviewing policy?
No, IDA uses standard single-blind peer reviewing, meaning that reviewers are unknown to the authors, but authors are known to the reviewers. This implies that authors should not hide their identity in the paper.

What should I do if my paper is longer than the page limit?
Shorten it; submissions that deviate from the guidelines may be rejected without consideration. The length of the contribution, including figures, title pages, references and appendices, must be between 10-12 pages for the Proceedings Track.

I am not sure I can make it before the deadline. Will the deadline be extended?
No, as tradition with IDA there will be no deadline extensions.

Will there be a separate call for PhD track submissions?
Yes, find the Call for PhD track submission here.

Can I post my paper on
Yes, posting your paper on a self archiving website is allowed.

Other questions about paper submission?
Send an e-mail to the Program chairs: